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Orthodontists puzzled: 73-year-old still without a single wisdom tooth

Image sources: Pixabay & CC BY-SA 3.0, Link; Image editing with GIMP

A 73-year-old American is currently astounding the whole world – and poses an absolute mystery to orthodontists around the globe: As current x-rays of his teeth show, not a single wisdom tooth has formed despite his advanced age!

Dr. Mathew Peweyh, head of the Institute of Orthodontics at the John Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, Maryland, cannot explain this phenomenon with the best will in the world: “With normal mortals, wisdom teeth form from around the age of 12. The fact that these teeth do not erupt does occur from time to time with adults. But the chance that wisdom teeth have not even mineralized at this age is truly a scientific sensation!”

For Dr. Herwig Kernschober, chief physician of Orthodontics at MedUni Vienna, the 73-year-old American is also a mystery: “With some people it can happen that development and growing up take a little longer. Then naturally the wisdom teeth also come through delayed. But developmental retardation beyond the age of 30 is simply not explainable for dentistry!”.

While experts and dentists worldwide are faced with an absolute mystery, the first wild speculations are already circulating on the Internet. For example, there is the suspicion that the 73-year-old might have come from a Chinese experimental laboratory.

Anyway, if growing up is still of concern to the senior and he would like to get his wisdom teeth become a reality, the man better hurrys up!

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